Sunday, March 25, 2012

Crystal XI Runtime DLLs

does anyone know what Runtime DLLs are required to make the CRViewer work properly. I have registered crview.dll. crxdrt.dll and added in whatever didn't do the job on the dependecny walker. I seem to get an invalid tlv error every time I print the report. But if I install crystal XI on to a dev box and print the report through VB it works fine. So it is not the report. nor is it the VB but it is the Runtimes. From that box i Generated an install file for that project and installed on a fresh box and I still get the error. So i tried making a dependency file and again I get the same error.

Does anyone Know the required dependencies for Crystal XI. What am I missing?

Much Appreciated.
RicoWhen faced this problem, i created installer using VS. VS checked the
dependencies, so i could deploy my application without installing CR
at client side.|||I did that It did not solve the problem...
Did you do this with CR XI?|||I did that It did not solve the problem...
Did you do this with CR XI?
No, I did with CR 10.

One more question: Did you put CR deployment *.msm file into your
deployment project? You need to download from CR home page to
deploy them.

Henky|||I will look into that. If anyone has any other things to try let me know..
Rico|||If it is .net you can search -->

If it is VS6 then -->

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