Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crystal Reports join question

Hello all.

I am migrating an access report to crystal reports and having trouble. I have two tables that link each other, but they are different data types. This works fine in access because I can cast one of the fields using cstr(). See query below:

SELECT Sum(Tax_Detail.Tax_Amt) AS SumOfTax_Amt, Taxer.Collection_Account

FROM Invoice_Header INNER JOIN (((Invoice_Detail LEFT JOIN Tax_Detail ON cstr(Invoice_Detail.Invoice_Detail) = Tax_Detail.Owner_ID) LEFT JOIN TaxCode ON Invoice_Detail.Tax_Code = TaxCode.TaxCode) LEFT JOIN Taxer ON Tax_Detail.Taxer = Taxer.Taxer) ON Invoice_Header.Document = Invoice_Detail.Document

WHERE (((Tax_Detail.Owner_Type)=0) AND ((Invoice_Header.Document_Date) Between '3/1/2007' And '3/31/2007'))

GROUP BY Taxer.Collection_Account;

Does anyone know how I can create this join from Crystal?

bubutYou will need to use Crystals add command through the database expert. There you can paste your sql and it should work.

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