Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crystal Reports Exception in ASP.NET

Hi All...!!!
Im new() here :cool:
Well, ive been working on Crystal Reports in ASP.Net (using While genrating reports (@. runtime) i encountered few problems... Im not able to make head or tails of these exceptions. Can anyone explain to me wht r these exceptions n y these occur?

1. CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException: Logon failed.
2. QueryEngineFailure

ThanX in advance...

ReiO :Dhi,
You may not installed crystal report components while installing .NET.
Please reinstall all components.
I hope it will work

RKK|||Try this

remove @. in .net code where u set parameter field

hope this helps you|||i am getting the same error. i have seperately installed the components as said above and still no luck

whats weird is dat it works fine in a windows app bt not asp

y this occurs is beyond human understanding bt losing my job over it is not!

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