Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crystal reports Export problem, VS2005

Using report viewer on aspx (VS2005) page and calling enterprise crystal report 10 vertion, but when we trying to export using export button to PDF all characters in englisg exporting properly, but Chinese letters are not exporting correctly, exporting like squares, can any one advice what needs to do.

Phaneendra.Are Chinese fonts installed on the client and server? Does Crystal or Adobe require a separate or special Chinese fonts install?|||Thanks for response TripperDay,

Using font type PMingLiu for report chinese fields, Yes font type allrady installed in bothe local and UAT machines, it is like

Font Name : MingLiu & PMingLiu (TrueType)
Filename : mingliu.ttc
in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts, but still can't see chinese fonts in PDF,

is there any other way to get correct.

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