Thursday, March 22, 2012

crystal reports conversion


Im new to reporting services but experianced in crystal reports

Im trying to convert some crystal reports into sql 2005 reporting services.

I have this formula in crystal reports which I cannot seem to replicate in Reporting services

if {TABLE1.TYPEID} = 1 then (0 - (

({TABLE3.TOTALVALUE})-{@.line total}))
{@.Gross Profit} / {TABLE4.EXCHANGERATE} else {@.Gross Profit}

I have already created the formulas for @.line total and @.gross profit

Can any one please put me into the right direction

Thanks for your help

Use this expression assuming that have created 2 calculated database fields called "LineTotal" and "GrossProfit" and have the TABLE fields (as in crystal expression) as dataset fields:

IIf(Fields!TYPEID.Value=1,(0-(IIf(Fields!CURRENCYDESC.Value<>"GBP", Fields!TOTALVALUE.Value/Fields!EXCHANGERATE.Value, Fields!TOTALVALUE.Value-Fields!LineTotal.Value))), IIf(Fields!CURRENCYDESC.Value<>"GBP", Fields!GrossProfit.Value/Fields!EXCHANGERATE.Value, Fields!GrossProfit.Value))



Top man Shyam

Works like a dream

Thanks a lot for your help

|||Hi, I am currently trying to convert a crystal report over to a sql 2005 reporting services. In my crystal report I have a parameter called @.Option which has the following formula associated to it:

Local NumberVar Opt := 0;

select {@.ReportStyle}
case 1: Opt := Opt + 2
default: Opt;

select {@.ReportType}
case 1: Opt := Opt + 1
case 3: Opt := Opt + 1
default: Opt;

select {@.EnterpriseOption}
case 2: Opt := Opt + 4
case 4: Opt := Opt + 4
default: Opt;


where @.ReportStyle, @.ReportType and @.EnterpriseOption are all parameters from the same report.

I am having some trouble trying to convert this over. Can any body give me any suggestions or point me in the right direction on how this can be achieved.

Thanks in advance.

|||I have solved the issue.

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