Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crystal Reports- last receipt date

Here is the situation: I have 3 tables.
Table 1: part number, unit of measure, standard cost
Table 2: last price paid, and Date of last price paid (same as last receipt date)
Table 3: PO# of last price paid (same as last receipt date)

When I insert these fields into the details section in Crystal Reports, I get duplicate part numbers listed on the report. Each part number may have several vendors attached to it, so this is expected.

This is what I am getting:

ItemNumber UM Std Cost LastCost LastReceiptDate PONumber
88888 Each 1.00 1.50 7/19/04 11111
88888 Each 1.00 1.80 7/22/04 22222
88888 Each 1.00 2.00 7/20/04 33333

What I want:

ItemNumber UM Std Cost LastCost LastReceiptDate PONumber
88888 Each 1.00 1.80 7/22/04 22222

I want the report to only show the most recent receipt date, price paid, and PO. Basically I need to do some sort of "comparison" between multiple vendors and its last receipt date within each part number.

Please help~~~~ Thank you!Hi,

I had faced same problem but I think if u used Command Object insted of tables
u can get solution.

write SQL query in Command Object and use MAX function on Receipt Date


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