Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cross Join without Table?

I have the following structure with remote select permissions; I cannot create temp tables or use stored procs:

tblEvent with event_pk, eventName
tblReg with reg_pk, event_fk, person_fk, organization_fk

I'm currently using a case statement to get counts for these categories:
when c.person_fk is Null and c.organization_fk is not null then 'Employer'
when c.person_fk is Not Null and c.organization_fk is null then 'Individual'
when c.person_fk is not Null and c.organization_fk is not null then 'Both'
else 'Unknown'

But I need some kind of count (0) for every category. I've used a cross-join, group by in the past - but what do you do if you don't have a table? For example, the end result when selecting event_pk=(112,113) would be:

event_pk, myCount, countCat
112 0 Employer
112 1 Individual
112 4 Both
112 0 Unknown
113 5 Employer
113 0 Individual
113 0 Both
113 2 Unknown

Thanks for any help,
jbDear Lord, save us from those who would require us to eat sphagetti with chopsticks, swim with boxing gloves, and develop databases without stored procs or temporary tables. And forgive them, for they know not what the hell they are doing.

Fortunately for you, it is probably possible to get a reasonable solution for your problem even without using stored procs or temp tables. :(

I think this will work...

Select SubQuery.event_pk, isnull(SubQuery.myCount, 0) as myCount, RegTypes.countCat
From (Select 'Employer' as countCat
Select 'Individual' as countCat
Select 'Both' as countCat) RegTypes
Left outer join
(Your Query Goes Here) SubQuery
on RegTypes.countCat = RegTypes.countCat|||You're to best. Didn't realize you could "create" a derrived table without selecting at least one field from a real one. Thanks so much.

It is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of java that thoughts acquire speed. The hands acquire shaking. The shaking is a warning. It is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion.

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