Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cross-Database Ownership Chaining

I have two databases A and B. Need to see some data on B.
I know I can use Cross-Database Ownership Chaining in order to get
access on B. Are there any alternatives?
In other database systems I did this by setting up an Alias to
database B and specifing the account to use for the connection to B.
Thanks for your post.
To let me better understand this issue, I would like to confirm a
conception from you:
Is the Cross-database Ownership Chaining as you referenced in the form of
SQL Server doesn't support custom database alias to reference the original.
If you use linked server, you can use sp_addlinkedserver to add a linked
server to the current SQL Server and specify the login account in the
remote server.
In addition to the chaining expression "server.database.schema.table", you
can use OPENQUERY or OPENROWSET to access the remote server.
For the usage of OPENQUERY and OPENROWSET, you may refer to SQL Server Book
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to let me
know. It's my pleasure to be of assistance.
Charles Wang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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