Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crystal Analysis 9.0 Vs MS SQL Server 2000 (OLAP)


I want to connect MS SQL 2000 Server with Crystal Analysis via OLAP.

I have installed SQL with Windows authentication mode and installed crystal Analysis 9.0

I have configured Crystal OLAP connection setup.

When I am trying to open or create new application through CA I am not getting through OLAP connection with SQL and I am receiving the error as the following.

Error 1

" Unknown User name and bad password."

Error 2

Failes to initialize.( Cannot connect to the server 'XXXX." the server is not started or too busy)

My SQL server has already started.

Please advsie me ASAP.Run Profiler on the SQL Server and see if you're getting a failed login attempt, or any login attempt at all. That should at least tell you if you're connecting. Can you ping the SQL Serer from where you're doing this|||Hi Chandrat,

I haven't worked with version 9 before but Crystal connectivity issues with SQL Server have somewhat of a track record.

I would suggest checking the basics eg. pinging (as per derrickleggit's post) but you might also want to check out the following:

Cheers|||Dear derrickleggett and Friends

As long as The SQL and CA9.0 are sitting in the same machine, pinging is working finely.

Profiler receives the connectivity without failure.

Please clarify my doubts.

I have loded IBM Content Manager in my machine, that needs to disable IIS, SMTP, WWWS services to operate CM via IBM HTTP server and IBM Webshpere and I had done so.

Will it cause any problem for the login failure error?

Please update me.|||Is CA9 the only Crystal app you have running?|||Yes... Only Crystal Analysis 9.0..|||Is there any way to explicitly declare the connection values from Crystal? ie. servername, databasename, userID and password?|||We have the only way to connect thru Crystal OLAP connection browser.

There is an option to add server details like as follows

Server Type==> (Microsoft OLE DB provider for olap Sereices 8.0)

Caption==> (Ex:SQLTM)

Server options:


Server Name==>(Ex: DATEC)

Username==>(Ex: SQLADMIN)

Password==>(Ex: *******)

I made the connection with a valid server name, username and password, but not get conneced.|||Chandrat,

I'm stumped - prob best to raise the support call (if you haven't done so already). Looks like you have done everything right. Profiler has even confirmed the connection. Crystal looks like the weak link.

Please let me know how you go and what BO come back with.


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