Thursday, March 8, 2012

Crystal Report ****

Alright Boys and Girls,

I am in ****. I have a report, and in this report I use multipe formula fields to count 4 different occurences. So for each record, and each month from 1 year ago to today, i count how many people were housed, how many people moved in, how many people moved out, and what my baseline of occupants is. I use another formula field to get each month from this month, back 12 months obviously, which is used to determine housed, ect. ect..
I have no problem getting my totals with my "formulated months". But when I go to graph it, im screwed. It wants one column for the x axis, say a month column with 12 values. Well I have 12 formulated fields giving me the 12 months. For each of those months i have 4 calculations letting me know housed, moved out, ect. So for each record I have 48 calculations happening. Can anyone give me any sort of idea on how to graph this or atleast compress it down so i can graph it.


How you are calculating the counts (housed, moved in).

I had a situation like this. For each and every month, I had to calculate multiple counts. I'd created a group for date field and for every month. Created running totals for each group.

In this way, we can easily add fields in our chart.

Just generate the chart on change of Date and add the running total fields in the next list. This is for Bar chart.

Hope this will work!|||Well here is my pickle. I don't have a single column for the date. For instance, say i have a record, for that single record, i get todays date, and i calculate 12 formulated fields for each month from todays date back 12 months. so, if you look at the record, you see 12 formulated months, beneath that record, you are going to calculate whether or not someone moved in, moved out, was housed, and your base line. So underneath these 12 months, i have 4 parameters, that are working off the parameter month fields, which in turn are calculated from todays date. Thats the tuff part, I don't have a single date column to work from, I wish to god I did. Im stuck, if anyone knows of any great crystal resource sites I would be happy to hear it!

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