Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crystal Reoprt Connection

Attention Ashish Seth, Hyderabad...

I'm new in C/Reports..I'm developint a project using Orale 8i, VB 6.0 and C/Reports 7.0..So my paltform is almost same with U..As you found the error"server has not yet been open" I also am facing an error and I could not come out of that my error is
-Error number 20599 "SQL Server can not open"
As I'm not using SQL Server, why this error is then...Someone has told me that I've to connect to report by coding, which I didn't do..Can You just help me as your prob is a bit similar to mine...[Moved thread]|||I've come across similar problems where I get a SQL server error and my report doesn't connect to the database itself (I connect to the database in VB and pass the report a recordset). It turned out that it was a version incompatibility between some of my dlls. Check the version of all your dlls.|||You need to add following code into your preview window
'General Declaration
Dim crApplication As New CRAXDRT.Application

'Form Load
Set crApplication = CreateObject("CRYSTALRUNTIME.APPLICATION")
crApplication.LogOnServer "pdsmon.dll", "", sDatabase, sUid, sPwd

sdatabase = <databse name>
sUid = User Name
sPwd = Password

use pdsmon.dll when you created report via ado connection
use pdsodbc.dll when you created report via odbc connection

This will really help you


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