Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crystal Date Array Calculations

I currenty an trying to get a datediff of each set of dates in an array

My array is populating with this in a fuction called getarray

Local DateTimeVar Array OpenAy := MakeArray (
if {}="Open" or
{}="More Info Required" or
{}="Initiate NCR" or
{}="Confirm" or
{}="Complete Investigation" or
{}="Close" or
{}="Re-Open" then {pr_activity.date_posted}
Local NumberVar o := 1;
Local NumberVar countero := 1;

While o <= ubound(OpenAy) Do

//result:= OpenAy[i];
if countero <>o then
countero:= o;
o := o + 1



I tried to do datediff ("d", OpenAy[countero],OpenAy[countero+1])
however it errors out becuase the function has not populated all of the array yet

Is there away to call OpenAy in anouther formula so it already is populated with all the dates needed.

If you need more explanation let me know.

ThanksI just relized that with the code posted I am not populating more then one row of the Array

Example output

Rec State Date Performed FunctionOutput
1 Open 2002/02/02 12:12:12 2002/02/02 12:12:12
1 Initiate 2002/03/02 12:12:12 2002/03/02 12:12:12
1 Confirm 2002/06/02 12:12:12 2002/06/02 12:12:12
1 Complete 2002/12/02 12:12:12 2002/12/02 12:12:12

these records are one record per details line.

when I get and output my array it outputs the correct dates however It only stores one date at a time. If I out put it in the Page footer I get the last date. If I output the ubound I get 1.

Im not sure how to get this to work correctly. What I want as an output is this.

Rec State Date Performed FunctionOutput
1 Open 2002/02/02 12:12:12
1 Initiate 2002/03/02 12:12:12 1
1 Confirm 2002/06/02 12:12:12 3
1 Complete 2002/12/02 12:12:12 6

days in open 1 days in Initiate 3 days in confirm 6

however I need to do an array becuase It could go back to Open more then once.|||From what I've seen / understood here, I'd probably

1) Group on the Record id (assuming it's unique)
2) Sort on the date performed / date posted (same thing?)
3) Use the Previous function for the date comparison, e.g. a formula like:
if {table.record_id} = previous({table.record_id}) // to check if in the same record id group
then totext(datediff("d", previous({table.record_id}), {table.record_id}), 0)
else ""|||Thanks Jagan

I spaced the prevous function. With your Idea I was able to get the output I wanted.

Thanks|||With this code is there a way to sum.
I keeps telling me that "this field can not be summarized
However I changed my ouput to a number, Am I missing something.

numberVar DiffDate;

if {table.record_id} = previous({table.record_id})
DiffDate:=datediff("d", previous({table.record_id}), {table.record_id})
else 0

Second Function

SUM({abovefunction});|||Also why can some formulas not be summarized. using the E autosum function in crystal
the function below does not even show up in the list when I try and sum it.

Im guessing its the prevous function. If so is there any other way to do this. OK now I know its the next and Previous function. Is there any other way to sum when I need to use that function.

What I need to do is get the avg days it takes for some one to perform confirm. I am now outputing a datediff for the state of confimed and I have a function that retruns a 1 if the state is Confirm however If I sum if its at confirmed I get every record. I can put and if to see if the record number <> next(record number) because then I could not sum it.

Im not sure what I need to do next. Any help is appreciated.

numberVar output;
numberVar total:=0;
global numberVar som:=0;
global numberVar avg:=0;

If {PR_ACTIVITY_TYPE.NAME}="Confirm" then
if {} = previous({})
output:=tonumber (datediff("d", previous({PR_ACTIVITY.DATE_POSTED}), {PR_ACTIVITY.DATE_POSTED}))

if {} = previous({}) then
if output >=1 then



total;|||Could anyone look at my last question. This is still causing me issues.


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