Saturday, February 25, 2012

CryptoAPI function 'CryptAcquireContext' failed

I am receiving the following error after installing MSDE
on a machine with NT 4.0 SP6a:
MSSQL Server logon. Connection failed. SQL State 42000 SQL
Server error 552
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]CryptoAPI
function 'CryptAcquireContext' failed.
Error 0x8009001d: Provider DLL failed to initialize
I have found the following KB article which addresses
this, but don't know how to sign on to the server using
sysadmin login.
2Fservicedesks%2Fbin%2Fkbsearch.asp%3FArticle%3D32 1459
If anyone has seen this before would be very interested to
Many thanks,
Yep... I've had this problem - or rather a customer 4000 miles away did.
As we were unwilling to advise the customer to do the fix - as we'd be the
ones responsible for 'trashing the machine' if it went wrong, we gave the
customer a link to the article. They didn't fancy doing it, their IT
looked at it and did not want to do the BOOT.INI thing either.
They upgraded subsequently to Win2K, bringing forward that users upgrade

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