Saturday, February 25, 2012

Crosstab woes

Good day all.

I'm using crystal reports 9.

I have a list of names down the left (sDriverName) and the months across the top (liMonth). The summarised field is the Driver score (liScore). There is another database field called liBandColour which indicates what colour band the driver's score is for that month (red, amber, green).

I have a formula on the Background colour of the liScore field (Basic syntax):
if {Rag.liBandColour} =255 then
formula = crRed 'Red
elseif {Rag.liBandColour} =65535 then
formula = rgb(255,255,0) 'Amber
elseif {Rag.liBandColour} =13434828 then
formula = crGreen 'Green
formula = crWhite 'White
end if

However this seems to make ALL the scores appear amber and doesn't seem to work on a per record basis.

On to question 2:
The user has now requested to add another column on the right with the YTD kms travelled. Now it's a simple thing to add another summarised field and suppress it (the DB also contains the kms travelled each month so this is easy), but then it appears underneath the averaged driver score total and not next to it in it's own column... Is there anyway around this?
Can I perhaps duplicate the look of my report without using a crosstabFor your first problem, I came thru something like that in

visit this url (

For your second problem, it may not. any way

have a look at here (

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