Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crystal Report - How to add a page break?

Hi! I use Crystal Report 8 and I've created like an Invoicing Form, I need four copies of that form changing only the title for example: One saying "Original", second saying "Duplicated", etc...

I think to create the same page four times but I don't know how to add a page break as I need the same header, same body and same foot page than the first one...

Thank you for your help....I think you need to write a query like

Select * from TableName
Union All
Select * from TableName
Union All
Select * from TableName
Union All
Select * from TableName

Design the report using that query
Goto Section Expert and in the "New Page After" option, click the button labelled x-2 and write this code

If RecodNumber mod 20 = 0 then True|||Madhi,

Thank you.. but an error message appears saying "A number, currency amount, boolean, date, time, date-time, or string is expected here." I've tried to click "Page Break After" in Report Footer's Section Expert but the option is not available so I've click on the Group Footer's Section Expert...

Thank you again for your help|||Where did you get that error?|||Madhi,
Thank you again... That error occurs when I click on the Accept button on the Section Expert. I press the "x-2" button to add the formula that you've sent to me yesterday...

Regards, Guada

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