Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crystal Report high time taking to load:

In my application , crystal report taking too much time. My Report have more than 50,000 records to display. Report not showing first page untill it receives data of total 50000 records. After reciving total records from database then it is showing first page. It is taking more than 10 mins time. How to solve this problem?Hi. . .

I too have the same problem. My report contains more than 100 pages and it's taking quite a long time to display the report.

Is there any way we can start displaying the report as soon page1 gets filled with the required data??

Any hep pls!!

Thank you all.|||I'm not sure I have the answer but here area couple of things you can check.
Are you using page number or page N of M? If you are using N of M the first page can not be displayed until the last page has been calculated so it can display the total number of pages in N of M.

Are you using indexed fields for your table joins?

Do you have "perform grouping on Server" and "use indexes on server for speed" checked in the oprtions?

Does the SQL for your report have a where clause? If not, the processing can not be pushed to the server.

Good luck and I hope this helps a little.

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