Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crystal Report for Access

Hello, I want to ask a silly question.
I doubt if this is possible... :rolleyes:
How can I use the CrystalReportViewer tool using an Access Database in Visual Basic.NET (2003)to be a bit more specific - i need 2 populate a crystal report from a database/dataset without it asking me 2 login 2 the data source. i'm sure there's a simple way 2 do this but i'm a newbie so please forgive me. :) the database is a normal .mdb file without any password.|||:D Hey David!

I've figured some things out - I hate Crystla Reports!!

Project, Add New Item, Select Crystal Report. in that wizard we select the drivers (almost similar to DSN box), from there on, we can select the table etc.
The reason why it asks for the login, is because it seems like it's defaulted to SQL Server or the MSDE.
My PC doesn't have Access on XP, so it gave me some trouble, but hopefully we come right with this!|||i'm still not getting it right... help :( i'm populating datasets but no data is showing on the report. i get the column headings but no data. surely someone here should have a solution...|||eish, how dumb am i? :)

assuming i have a report built off a dataset ->

Public rpt1 As New rptTest 'crystal report

CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt1

although u folk probably know this already maybe it'll help another newbie.

thanks 4 ur help Hannes. :) i'll buy u that beer soon dude.

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