Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crystal Report Expert

Hi There
Are there any crystal report expert on this forum who have been using crystal report for more than 3 years i started using cr for the last 7 days and what i find here is people just log in view your thread and log off

if the problem is not clear please reply back to get it cleaed so that new comers can benifit from this forum

Thanks & Regards (To all Experts)
JoviIt's not clear why one would need to have been using Crystal Reports for more than 3 years to be an 'expert'. :)

Sometimes I look at a thread and think 'no idea, never used Crystal that way'; sometimes I just wonder if they've even bothered looking in the help; sometimes I wonder whether the poster is capable of thinking around a problem without having it spoon-fed to them; and sometimes I actually respond!
Mostly I look to see what problems others are having because you're right - there's a lot of useful stuff in here and it'd be good to maintain that.

P.S. I'm not an expert.

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