Thursday, March 8, 2012

Crystal Report Distribution - Newbie

I am a newbie at this and I have gotten myself very confused, someone please HELP!

I have V10 Pro installed and I have been teaching myself how to create report using it's features. I do not seem to have Crystal Enterprise so all of the repository features are not available.

I have been tasked to build reports that will be distributed to others within my company either as stand alone files or viewable with Internet Explorer. I need to have drill down and parameter capabilities at the users end but none of my users have any Crystal Products. How do I go about doing this?

Eventually, I will be building VFP applications that will run these reports and distribute them to my users.

The vast number of products offered by Business Objects for Crystal makes it a little confusing on a first time user. Will it be possible for me to make and distribute reports to my users without having them install any Crystal products or without me having Crystal Enterprise? I was thinking it would work something like creating a PDF and the end user viewing it with a free Adobe Reader...I actually located Crystal Enterprise 9 on my network, however, I am unable to connect to it, I get a CMS not on PORT 6400 error. Will this work with Crystal Reports 10 Pro? What do I need to do to connect to it?|||See if you find solution at support section of this site

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