Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crystal Error

When opening a report I get this can I resolve this?
The library "PSDODBC.DLL" cannot be found.Have you checked to make sure your ODBC data source is correctly configured or installed?|||yes, I have checked the odbc connection and it's configured correctly.|||What is referencing PSDODBC.DLL so that it gives the error?|||I am getting this error when I go to print the report. It then will ask me to continue to open report for viewing only? Once that goes away it tells me the physical database cannot be found|||Since you have the DLL, have you tried registering it from the command line?

regsvr32 pdsodbc.dll|||when I do a search for this file it does not appear. and no I don't know how to register it.|||Have you searched Google to download it? The code I provided above will register the DLL when you enter it into the command line.

Remember that it will be case-sensitive.|||I found this when I googled..... but I'm still not sure why I'm getting error.

2) Mystery DLL names.
If you have used the Crystal feature "Convert Database Driver..." you will notice a list of DLL files in the pull down list. However, if you were to try to find these drivers on your PC, you would search for a long time. The reason is that the list of driver names hasn't been updated. These are the names of the DLL files used in the original 16bit version of the Crystal. To get the equivalent 32 bit file names, replace the first 2 letters "PD" with the "P2". So PDSODBC.dll becomes P2SODBC.dll. This is a file that you will actually find on your PC. These old file names also show up in error messages, so it helps to know how to decode them.|||Well, have you converted your database driver, as it says there?|||I guess I'm a little confused here...if I go to the drop down menu on the convert database I get a variety of dll options...where I guess I'm confused is this..

To get the equivalent 32 bit file names, replace the first 2 letters "PD" with the "P2". So PDSODBC.dll becomes P2SODBC.dll. This is a file that you will actually find on your PC. These old file names also show up in error messages, so it helps to know how to decode them.

which files do I replace...BTW..I'm fairly new to crystal reports so bare with me :)|||This ( can explain it much better than I can.|||I had read that before, but my question with that is that on my convert, the default connection if you will is the pdsodbc.dll and all the other options in the drop down are not odbc connections? Am I missing something here??|||To be honest, that is confusing to me as well.|||LOL...good then I'm not the only one...This is a client site that I have these crystal reports on and they are the same as any other clients site and I am really confused on why this would be happening? the other weird thing about the drop down was that the ODBC connection that was listed is the PSDODBC.DLL?? Strange.|||Well, pdsodbc.dll is the 16bit database driver before the conversion. The file p2sodbc.dll is the 32bit driver. After more research, it seems that you just need the driver to be present and the messages will go away. Sounds logical, right?

Other than that, I don't know what else to say. Sorry.|||Sounds logical, but I even copied the P2 file and renamed it PDSOBDC.DLL to trick it and it didn't work. Well I'm at a loss here...I guess I'll keep digging around. Thanks for all your help, let me know if you come up with something else.|||Sounds logical, but I even copied the P2 file and renamed it PDSOBDC.DLL to trick it and it didn't work.
Then maybe it isn't looking in that directory for the DLL.|||Good can I find out where it's pointing|||That, I don't know. Google would have a better result than me.

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